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Writer's pictureMelinda Cropsey

Love All Around

As we race into the holiday season, it’s easy to get consumed by “To Do” lists and lose sight of our greatest gifts! - the little ones in our midst! 

Dr. Montessori lauded the child’s “power for unity” - to bring people together regardless of religious or political affiliations.  She saw the child as “the only point on which there converges from everyone a feeling of gentleness and love.”1

“The child is a well-spring of love.  

Whenever we touch the child, we touch love.” 2

- Maria Montessori

After a lifetime devoted to the development of teaching methods designed to help each child achieve his/her “fullest potentialities”3, she concluded that it is perhaps more important for the adult to learn from the child

“... children come into the world endowed with energies 

that could correct the errors of past generations and give new breath of life to the world.” 4

- Maria Montessori 

Shortly after her death, Maria’s son Mario wrote that what she most valued, was  “the contribution the child can give humanity.”5

Our children are born with innate basic goodness. They are naturally connected to their hearts, and guided by their highest and best instincts.   Take time out each day to honor Maria Montessori’s vision… fill your heart with gratitude and delight in the messages, insights and perspectives of the children in your life.  They are indeed our best teachers! They are extraordinary gifts from the stars!

Montessori, M. (1995).  The Absorbent Mind, Henry Holt & Company, New York, NY, p. 288. 

Ibid. p. 289.

Montessori, M. (1966). The Secret of Childhood, Ballantine Books, New York, NY, p.xiv.

Ibid. p.2.

Ibid. p.x.


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